One of my favorite icebreakers is asking people who their dream dinner party guests would be. I think people’s answers say a lot about them! My answer changes often, but here are my top three right now.
Dr. Kurt Newman, the retiring President and CEO of Children’s National Hospital in Washington D.C. Kurt is a college friend of mine. He is genuinely kind and has a great sense of humor. I would love to hear him tell stories about some of the families and children from all over the world who have come to receive care at Children’s.
Xenia Lemos, owner of Casetta Agriturismo. My dear Greek friend Xenia went to the London School of Economics and was prepared to work in her family’s shipping business. She changed course, moved to Tuscany, bought her uncle’s country home, and restored the absolutely gorgeous Casetta. She has a sense of world history and interest in people and politics that inspire me. She is curious about life, land, and friends. She has a wicked sense of humor and adds to everything and every person she meets and knows.
Maya Angelou. I would love to have met Maya! I have taken so much counsel from her words, and I know she would bring a deeper level to our discussions.
I think this trio would make for a dinner party filled with thoughtful discussion, laughter, and new ideas.
Who would your dream guests be? Share in the comments; I’d love to know!
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