The Best Advice I've Received

I am always flattered when people come to me seeking advice, and the two pieces of wisdom I find myself sharing the most come from my mother and from my dear friend, RB Fitch.
First, Momma’s. While not the exact opposite of the often circulated idea that one should never go to bed angry, her thought was different: everything is easier to solve in the morning. Don’t try to hash things out at the end of the day when you’re tired. I have found this to be so true in my life, and I think about it nearly every day. On my drive home from the office, I envision a pair of hands physically lifting problems out of my head and setting them aside for another day. This image helps me transition from work to home life, and I find that after a night’s sleep, I am so much better able to address whatever situation had been previously bothering me. I have never regretted giving myself that extra time.
Second, RB Fitch’s. RB is a close friend, VIETRI board member, and founder of Fearrington, an incredible community just down the road from Chapel Hill with a beautiful inn, a Relais & Chateaux restaurant, lovely shops, a farm, and more. Whenever I see RB, he gives me a smile and asks, “Are you having fun?” I love this reminder to enjoy what I’m doing, that work can be fun, and that I shouldn’t take myself too seriously. I started VIETRI at a young age, and sometimes the responsibility of running the company has made me overly serious. RB’s “are you having fun?” is the nudge I need to keep things in perspective. It’s possible to do great work while still having a great time, and I hope I create that environment at VIETRI. When people come to me for advice, I try to remind them that life is short and so we should find the fun wherever we can.
I’d love to hear from you. Is there any advice that serves as a touchstone in your life?